Majid Michel gives advice to Van Vicker

Born again Ghanian actor, Majid Michel has opined that life only begins when one accepts Christ into his or her life and not the popular saying that life begins at 40.
Majid made this known in his birthday message to his friend and fellow colleague, Van Vicker.
Majid noted: “Lordy Lordy look who’s FOH-TAY.!! They say The first 40yrs of childhood are always the hardest. And who said life begins at 40? That’s a lie from the pit of hell. Life only begins the day you accept Christ to live in you. That is when life starts. i didn’t look as good as you when i was 40. Well i look better now than you at 50. The 40th birthday isn’t the year where you feel you are old. You will start feeling old on your 41st birthday, so enjoy your last year of youth. Just picture it like you are 18 with 22years experience. Ask @adjeteyanang he has more experience. VAN @iam_vanvicker #theYoungGodFather HAPPY BiRTHDAY and May God Guide and Protect and reveal Himself in His Fullest Glory to the entire Family in this special age of yours. God bless you and keep you for the rest of your Glorious life in The name of Christ Jesus !! AMEN. #LEADERSHiP”