M.I defends his gay support speech

African rapper no 1 M.I Abaga, has in an interview with “Middle Ground” spoken against the “Jail the Gays” law in Nigeria.
The ace rapper was speaking about the Taxify incident where a driver sexually assaulted a lady after she told him she’s a lesbian.
The rapper said while he has friends with different sexual orientations, he thinks with the law in place, it’s not safe for them to disclose their sexuality.
He went on to say it’s stupid we have that law in the country, but while we do, it is not safe for people of different sexual orientations to say it to someone.
A Twitter user called out the rapper, saying he disagreed with him, and M.I clarified his standpoint, saying:
My thinking.. I was born straight.. I wd never want 2b punished 4 who I am.. because of this.. I wouldn’t punish som1 else for who they are
Cheating and adultery are wrong.. but they are not criminalized.. and no form of consensual adult expression of love should be.. my opinion
See the tweets below: